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MS3 - Construction

Development of a functional prototype.


Microservices Pattern

  • Display service - Provides the user interface and handles user interaction;
  • Reverse Proxy - Redirects user requests to the appropriate microservice. Also provides load balancing to improve scalability and improves security because no service is directly exposed to the end-user;
  • Calendar service - Responsible for the calendar synchronization between different listing services;
  • User service - Responsible for authentication and authorization aspects;
  • Property service - Stores and provides all information related to a property;
  • Website Wrapper - Module that encapsulates each supported property listing website. Generates events regarding reservations but also handles messages produced in the bussiness layer by propagating changes to those websites. Needs a database to map the id's of a property on external services to an internal id for that same property on the Property Service;
  • Message Queue - Handles asynchronous and bidirectional communication between business and backoffice layer;
  • Analytics Service - From public housing market data does analysis on property prices and generates suggestion to property categories .

New Architecture diagram

System Scenarios

Import Properties from external simulated services


Frontend Showcase